Graf-Martin Communications

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Need Better Results From Your Social Media Ads? We Can Help.

A non-profit organization came to us with a common problem: they needed to find new donors and communicate with their existing donors with very limited resources – time and money. They knew their donors and potential donors were online consuming content on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram – but weren’t sure how to find them and connect with them there. 

FYI - 60% of us check our social media every single day and a good chunk of us log in more than 5 times every single day!

Their staff, passionate but stretched thin by wearing multiple hats, had tried a few boosted social posts and spent a bit of money with some results. But they weren’t confident they were using their budget wisely. They had no time to really dig in and figure out how to reach their existing and prospective donors more effectively and efficiently. 

What did they need? Someone to help them leverage a very limited budget to measurably grow their mission impact.

Fortunately, we’re pretty good at doing just thatPairing decades of experience in carefully crafting messages that connect, with years of experience in social media advertising, we’ve been able to test and learn how to get the most out of a non-profit advertising investment.

What did they get? Really high engagement numbers, increased page likes from brand new potential donors, and a stronger, more robust audience to communicate with – with results far exceeding industry standards.

Simply put: using our experience and expertise, your budget will go far, and your social media ads will find the right people, with the right message so that you can do more good.How do we achieve these extraordinary results? Our precise audience targeting and tested  audience-focused messaging. Our deep understanding based on hundreds of campaigns, and heavily curated audience criteria, makes us experts on identifying and reaching those who are most likely to connect with your mission. 5 keys to making it work for you: 

  1. Starting small still moves the needle. With just a few months of targeted outreach and a small ad spend, one client saw their Facebook  audience quadruple – meaning that all their online activities see more results. 

  2. Our targeting, becomes your success. One Facebook ad campaign in 2020 saw a Click-Through Rate (CTR) of 10.49%, with a Cost Per Click (CPC) of $0.08. With over 120,000 impressions and a reach of about 75,000 people, this far exceeded expectations on a teeny-tiny budget.

  3. You can beat baseline results – by a mile. Facebook industry averages for CTR tend to be a bit below 1%, with an average CPC of $1.50. Using our targeting and market insight, our clients’ campaigns consistently achieve a CTR 2-4 times greater than that, and a CPC 4-5 times less. Some of our best results include CTRs over 10%, with CPCs as low as $0.08.

  4. Giving increases! When a social media ad campaign accompanies a financial appeal, our clients are seeing increases in giving across the board. While the giving may not come directly through the ad links, appeals paired with ad campaigns see increased giving by mail, phone and website. 

  5. Build your email lists – with the RIGHT people. Social ads with the right call to action are a great way to do just that. One client received hundreds of new email addresses, of the right people, within hours of launching a specific campaign.

We get it. We know how challenging your marketing and fundraising team’s job is. If your team feels overstretched and needs some support to get encouraging results, we’d love to provide a solution that works for you. 

Want to learn how you can make social advertising work for you and your team, and help you reach your mission impact objectives?

Let us help you get the measurable results you need. We can build a custom solution that works for you, your team and your budget. Contact for more information and pricing.

Ellen Graf-Martin

Ellen Graf-Martin - Founder/President