Open Doors Celebrates 65-Years of Serving the Persecuted Church
Brother Andrew: God's Smuggler
WATERLOO – July 15, 2020 – Brother Andrew, Christian missionary and founder of the organization Open Doors, began encouraging the church in Eastern Europe and Russia in July 1955. After observing thousands of communist youth experiencing a shortage and a deep need for Bibles, Brother Andrew took hundreds of trips in a Volkswagen Beetle, transporting Bibles to those persecuted Christians. 65-years later, Open Doors is a major international ministry, serving the persecuted church worldwide in over 60 countries.Throughout the history of Open Doors, the organization has faced many challenges, including communist countries in Central and Eastern Europe closing their borders for Bibles and Christian literature, and evangelical communities being divided over the ethical issue of Bible ‘smuggling.’ Despite these challenges, Open Doors and their supporters smuggled Bibles into camper trailers and trucks, allowing Christians in Europe and Russia to receive Bibles they had long been praying for. Of his ministry, Brother Andrew noted, “I have never thought of my work as being a ‘smuggling’ ministry. God didn’t call me to smuggle; He called me to minister to His people. It just happens that many of His people are in countries with walls and fences and border blockades to keep them in and me out.” Spokesman Klaas Muurling from Open Doors Netherlands recalls his trips sharing, “Everyday we prayed for open doors at the borders and time and again the Lord answered our prayers. He was also close by when my wife and I were arrested at the Russian border. Three days we were held and interrogated. A trip I will never forget. ”In the early years, Bible distribution was the most known and most important task of Open Doors. Later, persecuted Christians requested training on how to understand Scripture which was followed by training on how to cope with persecution. After that, emergency relief, finances and medicine were supplied through the organization’s socio-economic development.
In 2019, Open Doors reached millions of persecuted believers through social media and online channels. The use of social media and online platforms increases contact with persecuted Christians. In the regions where it is difficult to visit believers due to increasing pressure from governments, the need for printed Bibles and Christian books is replaced by offering online materials. Last year alone, Open Doors was able to distribute 272,000 Bibles, 63,400 children’s Bibles and 1.6 million Christian books and training resources.
Open Doors Canada’s Executive Director, Rev. Gary Stagg is celebrating the organization’s 65th anniversary, “The past 65-years have been filled with tremendous growth. It’s a privilege to work with this organization to strengthen the Church and see how, despite rising persecution, the gospel is advancing.” In celebration of Open Doors’ 65th anniversary, Open Doors Canada has launched One With Them: 65 stories of Christians living in places where their faith threatens their lives and futures. To view the 65 stories from Open Doors Canada’s One With Them campaign, click here. Learn more about One With Them, here.
Interviews with Open Doors Canada’s Executive Director, Rev. Gary Stagg, are available.
Contact Mikayla Stroeder, or 519-342-3703 x5.
Download Rev. Gary Staggs’s high-resolution headshot here.
About Open Doors Canada:
Open Doors Canada is affiliated with Open Doors International, a global ministry which has supported and strengthened persecuted Christians in over 60 countries for over 60 years. ODI raised approximately US $70 million last year to provide practical support to persecuted Christians such as food, medicines, trauma care, legal assistance, safe houses and schools, as well as spiritual support through Christian literature, training and resources. For more information visit
About Rev. Gary Stagg:
For more than thirty years, Gary has been involved in full-time ministry with an emphasis on the revitalization of Christian communities and the establishment of systems for assimilation and discipleship. Gary studied education and theology and has used that training to structure his passion for helping people stand firm in their faith and embrace a missional lifestyle.