TCMP 010: James Kelly on FaithTech, Artificial Intelligence, Finding a Mentor, and Digital Sabbath
TCMP 010: James Kelly, FaithTech
TCMP 010: James Kelly, FaithTech
Episode 010:
James Kelly is doing amazing things and is a true change maker in the faith and technology world as Founder and CEO of FaithTech and we could not wait to have him as a guest on The Change Makers Podcast. In this episode, Ellen and James talk about artificial intelligence, how to accelerate impact using technology, how to get the next generation involved in your organization, what young leaders are looking for in a mentor, and digital Sabbath. James shares incredible advice for young leaders and we'd love for you to share this episode with a young leader you know.
About James Kelly:
James is Founder and CEO of FaithTech, a company pioneering a new way to share the good news about Jesus in a new era driven by technology. With FaithTech, James hopes to bridge the gap between faith and technology by empowering emerging leaders, hosting innovative events and building gospel-centered companies (LABS). The work of FaithTech has been mentioned in The New York Times, Wired Magazine and Christianity Today. James has spoken live over 350 times in remote villages in South Sudan to Google HQ in Silicon Valley. He has been featured on 100 Huntley, 700 Club and Faith Today.
Connect with James: Website
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Resources mentioned by James in this podcast:
[bctt tweet="I think God’s view of technology is both one of idolatry and opportunity. I think we vastly misunderstand both and we enormously under appreciate both. - James Kelly" username="GrafMartin"][bctt tweet="The question as a believer is: do we engage or disengage with tech? With every cultural artifact, we must ask: do I receive this, reject this, or redeem this? - James Kelly " username="GrafMartin"][bctt tweet="Certainly, one of the things we need as young leaders is older leaders that have wisdom, willing to risk things on helping us. - James Kelly" username="GrafMartin"]