Joy Byers on Using Technology
TCMP 007: Joy Byers
TCMP 007: Joy Byers
Episode 007: It's time we started having those uncomfortable conversations around race as a Church, isn't it? Be prepared because episode seven of The Change Makers Podcast is a really honest conversation where Ellen and Joy Byers, the Discipleship Pastor at The Peoples Church in Toronto, discuss race and the need to break down old ways of thinking, especially around diversity, so that we can find new unity. They also discuss the benefits of technology and systems as tools for discipleship and our need for diversity in the Church and in our lives.
About Joy Byers:
A Montreal native, Joy found her way into the loving arms of Jesus much later in life. Joy is Mom in a blended family with four grandbabies and “Mama Bear” to many others that God has placed in her path. Joy loves using words and sounds to create and produce music and to encourage others. Joy is Discipleship Pastor at The Peoples Church in Toronto and is passionate about equipping the body to handle the Word of God.Learn more about The Peoples Church.
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Resources mentioned in this podcast:
Permission to Speak Freely - Anne Marie Miller
The Myth of Certainty - Dr. Daniel Taylor
Messy Spirituality - Michael Yaconelli
Dangerous Wonder - Michael Yaconelli