Ellen Graf-Martin on Season Two of The Change Makers Podcast
Ellen Graf-Martin
When we began 2020, did we ever think it would look like this? In light of COVID-19 and months of pivoted plans, lockdown and change after change, what does the rest of this year look like now? What does 2021 look like? For those of us in leadership, ministry and marketing, what does it look like as we go forward into our 'next normal'? These are some of the topics we're going to discuss in season two of The Change Makers Podcast.In this season of The Change Makers Podcast, you can expect to hear from leaders across Canada like Allison Alley from Compassion Canada, Michael Messenger from World Vision Canada, Shawn Plummer from Food for the Hungry Canada, Andy Harrington from Canadian Foodgrains Bank and Shaila Visser from Alpha Canada. It's going to be a great season and we're so excited for you to hear it!
You're not alone as you lead in this season. Season Two of The Change Makers Podcast with Ellen Graf-Martin launches September 16.
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