TCMP 013: Change Makers Moments with Andy Harrington

In our first episode of Season Two, Andy Harrington shares rich and authentic advice for leaders leading through this global crisis of COVID-19, as well as for those who are leading through a personal crisis at the same time. Before you listen to this episode (again), here are three Change Makers Moments from Andy.

3 Insights from Andy Harrington

1. Sit and Be Still

What seems like easy advice, can often be quite challenging for most. In times of crisis, it’s more important than ever to just sit, and be - not to react. But how can you tolerate the intolerable? First things first, tolerance starts with being quiet. Andy opens up about a difficult chapter in this life where God seemed distant. Sometimes when we want God to come and comfort us, he stays silent. Andy came to realize that God’s silence was a wall of protection around him during this difficult time. He learned to be quiet; to just be and immerse himself in his emotions. We shouldn’t deny ourselves the emotions that we are feeling. Instead, we should bring them to God. 

2. Trust and Have Confidence 

The key thing to say in times of crisis, is this is not my life forever. I need to figure it out, I need to understand that there is a future ahead of me. I may not know what it is, but I need to understand there is a future ahead of me, and that the God who has always been with me, will not fail me now even though my life has been turned upside down. We have to have confidence that God will protect us, and bring us out of this trial. Rebuilding trust is a confidence thing. When you’re ready for that, that’s when God says, okay now that you’re ready, let’s talk.

3. Move and Believe


When it’s time, when you have built trust and are ready to move on, don’t stay static, move forward. In grief, you can’t move forward and leave it, you carry the grief with you. After a personal tragedy struck them, Andy and his wife talked about how a hole had opened up in their lives. At first, their grief was all-consuming and felt overwhelming. But now, they are learning to “plant flowers around the edge of it and turn it into a garden where we can remember the beautiful things”, and also a place where they can refresh to go forward to the next things. Want to hear the full conversation? Click here to listen in and learn more from Andy Harrington.

About Andy:

Andy has over thirty-two years of experience working in international development and with youth and young adults around the world. Andy Harrington is the Executive Director of the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, a partnership of 15 Canadian church denominations and agencies, working in over 32 countries with a goal to end global hunger. Previously, Andy served as the CEO of Wellspring Foundation for Education and Youth for Christ. Wellspring is an organization with a vision to show the love of Christ by being a catalyst for transforming education in Africa, while also addressing poverty. Andy oversaw teams in Africa and North America that work together to help provide quality education to over 200,000 young people and to empower thousands of teachers, leaders and parents. 


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